Meet our tutors
Step 1
Give us your information so we can begin our matching process! The more information you provide the better the chance of the best possible match being made.
Step 2
Within 24 hours we will send you our top picks and let you decide if you would like to continue with one of our picks or you would like us to find another more suitable tutor!
Step 3
One of our amazing tutors will contact you and your first lesson can be organised. Feel free to speak over the phone to chat about anything before you start or just to get to know the tutor!
$70-75 per hour
Opportunity for in-depth discussion
Focus on weaknesses
Immediate question clarification
Instant reinforcement of concepts
Focus on specific weaknesses
Safe, comfortable learning space
No time pressure as seen at school
Tailored teaching
Minimises digital distractions
Enables body language cues
We come to you
1000s of hours of successful tutoring
Our Reviews
Y 7-10
At this age, finding exciting and personalised ways of maintaining engagement is essential as students in this category often struggle with motivation and focus. We ensure our students learn through an understanding-based, interactive and hands-on fashion so that they develop good learning skills, study habits and problem solving skills to work on their upcoming assessments and also prepare for VCE.
The home stretch… Whilst holistic understanding and deep understanding is still crucial, the shift in VCE moves towards getting the highest ATAR achievable so that your child can get straight in to their dream course. Our tutors are highly efficient and knowledgeable in their chosen subjects and they will begin to individually eliminate mistakes and help them reach their full potential for their important SACS and end-of-year exam.
Our teaching style:
We prioritise an understanding-based approach over memorisation! Our tutors strive to prepare their students not only for upcoming assessments but all future assessments by developing adaptability that ensures students can tackle any unforeseen questions.
Our values:
In addition to treating our students and parents fairly and with the utmost respect, our tutors, who do the bulk of the work, are paid well above the industry standard. This creates a positive environment where the tutors are motivated and pushed to teach at their highest standards
Our tutors:
We prioritise an understanding-based approach over memorisation! Our tutors strive to prepare their students not only for upcoming assessments but all future assessments by developing adaptability that ensures students can tackle any unforeseen questions.
Our mission:
Apex Academics was founded to improve and redesign the tutoring industry as we strive to create a straightforward and effective system as well as a warm and generous environment so that our tutors, students and parents feel comfortable and supported at all times.
Our resources:
At Apex Academics you unlock a wealth of resources from Australia’s top scorers as well as useful information about where to find accurate notes and practise questions. We are constantly increasing and expanding upon our resources to ensure that they are the most up-to-date.
Our matching system:
We work our hardest to ensure the best tutor-student match is made so that our students have the best chance of success. This means manually sorting through our tutors and matching their personalities, traits, locations and teaching styles to every aspect of our students.
Our specialty: Maths tutoring
Understanding > memorisation
Visualise maths problems
Get to the bottom of all mistakes
Analyse solutions
Mark question by question
Practise questions > reading notes
Review the fundamentals first
VCAA website as gold-standard
Explain concepts to others
Apply maths problems to world
Understanding over
Find your tutor now
Once this form has been filled out, we will send through our best matches within 24 hours!